Több mint 30 éve működő innovatív cég lett kézilabdázóink főszponzora, amely a 2024-2025-ös szezontól támogatja NB II-es csapatainkat.
A Haiernek köszönhetően egy nagymúltú cég csatlakozott a BVSC támogatóinak köréhez. A kézilabda szakosztályt légkondicionáló berendezésekkel szponzoráló cég célja, hogy kiváló minőségű, korszerű termékeket kínáljon, amelyek megfelelnek a modern otthonok folyamatosan változó kihívásainak. Kicsit hasonló a BVSC klubfilozófiája is, abban a tekintetben, hogy egyesületünk számára is kiemelten fontos, hogy alkalmazkodjon korunk kihívásaihoz. Ezért is lényeges szempont a BVSC életében a fenntarthatóság, hogy létesítményeink a leghatékonyabb módon működjenek.
A kézilabda szakosztálynál is megvalósul klubfilozófiánk, vagyis az utánpótlásnevelés. Mi sem mutatja ezt jobban, hogy a különböző bajnokságokban összesen nagyjából 400 igazolt sportolója van a szakosztálynak. A kézilabda egyébként Magyarország egyik legnépszerűbb csapatsportága és a BVSC-ben is kiemelkedő eredményeket értek el tavaly utánpótlás együtteseink. Az U12-es lányok aranyérmesek lettek a gyermekbajnokságban, míg az U17-es lány csapat második lett a II. osztályban. Ugyanebben az osztályban az U18-as fiúk bronzérmesként zárták az előző szezont.
Felnőtt csapataink évek óta az NB II-ben szerepelnek, ahol rendszeresen sajátnevelésű játékosaink is helyet kapnak.
New main sponsor for our handball players
An innovative company with over 30 years of experience has become the main sponsor of our handball team. Thanks to Haier, a long-standing company has joined the BVSC sponsors' list. The company that will sponsor the handball team with air conditioning equipment is to offer high quality, state-of-the-art products that meet the ever-changing challenges of modern homes. A bit like the BVSC club philosophy, in that it is a priority for our association to adapt to the challenges of our times. This is why it is also an important aspect of BVSC's life is sustainability, to ensure that our facilities are used in the most efficient way possible.
The handball department is also the realisation of our club philosophy, which is to support youth education. Nothing shows this better than the fact that the club has a total of around 400 certified athletes in the various leagues. Handball is one of the most popular team sports in Hungary and our junior teams at BVSC also achieved outstanding results last year. The U12 girls won the gold medal in the children's championship, while the U17 girls' team finished second in Division II. In the same division, the U18 boys finished the previous season as bronze medallists. Our adult teams have been playing in NB II for several years, where we regularly field our homegrown players.
Established in 1984, the Haier Group has grown to become a world-leading provider of smart home solutions, digital transformation, and better living experiences. With a user-centric approach at the core of its innovations, Haier has developed an extensive global presence, with 10 R&D centres, 71 research institutes, 35 industrial parks, 138 manufacturing centres, and over 230,000 sales networks worldwide. With 40 years’ experience in the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning industry, Haier are committed to its ‘Zero Distances’ to the consumer ethos, enabling us to remain agile and focused in creating dynamic and real value solutions for our users.
With a strong history behind us, Haier HVAC Solutions has been a key player in the European market, providing high-performance, energy-efficient systems that meet the evolving needs of households and businesses alike. Sustainability is a cornerstone of Haier's strategy as the company strives to reduce its social and environmental impact. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and connectivity, Haier HVAC Solutions offers a comprehensive portfolio of smart solutions for Residential, Light Commercial, Commercial & Industrial, and Heating applications.
In line with its commitment to sustainability and innovation, Haier HVAC Solutions has launched its latest range of heat pumps for domestic heating and hot water. These systems combine exceptional performance with an eco-friendly design, utilizing refrigerants that significantly reduce environmental impact while achieving A+++ efficiency ratings. This allows for lower energy consumption and greater savings for households, all while ensuring high performance.
Haier’s advanced heat pumps are designed to meet modern demands, offering versatile solutions for domestic heating and hot water. Capable of delivering high water temperatures of up to 80°C, these systems provide year-round comfort, even in challenging climates, without compromising on sustainability.
At Haier, we prioritize both user convenience and environmental responsibility. By continuously pushing the boundaries of HVAC technology, we offer future-proof solutions that not only enhance comfort but also contribute to a greener planet. For those seeking the perfect balance between high performance, energy efficiency, and eco-conscious living, Haier’s heat pumps are the natural choice.